Feedback from visitors and delegates AMM 2024:

Hosseini Seyed Mohammad, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kazakhstan

My name is Hosseini, I am an advisor to the Iranian Embassy in Astana. We are closely monitoring the development of the mineral sector in Kazakhstan, as it plays a vital role in the economic development of the country. In addition, there are close partnership relations between our countries, which makes our presence here even more significant. It has not been long since the beginning of the exhibition, but I have already managed to appreciate the high level of organization and interesting panel sessions with excellent speakers. We hope that the exhibition will continue to develop as successfully, and we will be able to strengthen our ties with Kazakhstani partners. Although this is only the beginning of the event, I am sure that it will bring many new opportunities for cooperation and development of bilateral relations. Last year we also took part in the exhibition, and for the third year in a row I have been visiting this beautiful city - Astana. I hope that our participation this year will be equally productive and useful for our peoples.

Joshi Dr Dilip, Mitra S. K. Singapore Private Limited

I represent Europe, where I do marketing, and we want to explore the Central Asian market, since Kazakhstan is its center. We are looking for opportunities in the metal and mineral markets. It is important for us to meet with people and understand their needs in analytics, inspections and sampling. Personally, this is not my first time here, but this is the first visit to Kazakhstan for Mitra SK. The exhibition provides an excellent opportunity to establish contacts. This is a big country, and traveling to all regions is difficult, so such a meeting is a great chance to see everyone in a short time. We have found some useful contacts here, for which we are very grateful. This exhibition opens up new horizons for cooperation and development. Thank you very much!

Kanat Kudaibergen, Greywolf Management

We work in the mining industry as consultants and have our own licenses. In addition, I am the co-chairman of the Saudi Arabia-Kazakhstan Business Council. By participating in this Congress, I pursue a professional interest: to find new partners, meet and exchange opinions with existing partners and major global players. I am also accompanying a delegation from Saudi Arabia, which raises this Congress to a high international level. This gives the event special significance and opens up new opportunities for cooperation in the global arena. As for my impressions, the Plenary session was held at the highest level, and since yesterday we have managed to make many useful acquaintances. The interest in the market of Kazakhstan and Central Asia as a whole is very high. Many participants are present here for the first time, which indicates a growing interest in the region. I hope that every year the number of participants will only increase, and the AMM Congress itself will continue to grow and develop, opening up more and more opportunities for international cooperation and business contacts.

Ansar Zhansayev, Financial Controller, Mining Consulting Group LLP

We are engaged in the extraction and development of a gold deposit. The purpose of our visit to the exhibition is to meet potential colleagues and partners, as well as to find new solutions for our business. At the exhibition we have already found several interesting options and opportunities for cooperation. Although my colleagues attended this event last year, this is my first visit. And my impressions are just great — everything is organized at the highest level. We plan to visit the exhibition next year, as we can quickly establish useful contacts here. I am sure that these ties will be useful to us in our work and will help strengthen our position in the industry. The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to meet with professionals from various fields, share experiences and find new ways to develop. We are looking forward to next year to be a part of this important event again and to continue our cooperation with new and existing partners.

Zarina Bulanova, Geologist, Aurora Limited

I visit the AMM exhibition in order to get acquainted with partner companies and their products. At the event, we managed to make many useful contacts, as we often turn to various laboratories for services and purchase of standard samples. We have found exactly the options that suit us. As for the impressions about the event itself, they are extremely positive. As last year, the organization is at the highest level. The Iteca organizing team does their job perfectly, explaining and clarifying all the points in an organized and coordinated manner. There were no accidental situations, which indicates a high level of professionalism. This exhibition provides a unique opportunity to meet with industry professionals, share experiences and find new solutions for our business. We appreciate such events for their contribution to the development of business relations and look forward to next year to be a part of this significant event again.

Anton Ilyin, Technology Manager of Qarmet

We came to the exhibition to get acquainted with new products and offers, as well as learn about new products and technologies. So far, we have only completed the first round, but we have already managed to meet our colleagues with whom we work at the enterprise. As for the impressions, they are extremely positive. Everything is organized beautifully and professionally, there are a lot of people around, which creates a lively and productive atmosphere. We really like the atmosphere and the level of organization of the event. We are looking forward to the further stages of the exhibition in order to explore the products and technologies presented in more detail and find potential partners. Such exhibitions are a great opportunity to expand our knowledge, make useful contacts and discover new prospects for business development.

Yermek Uaisov, Sales Engineer, Emerson

Mining companies are potential customers for us, so I came to the exhibition in order to meet and communicate with existing customers, as well as find new partners, maintain contacts and promote our products. The exhibition is a great opportunity for us to expand our horizons, and I have already managed to meet several interesting people. Although this is my first visit to AMM, my impressions are very positive. The organization is at the highest level, and it’s nice to see so many professionals gathered in one place. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet with colleagues and partners in such a friendly and productive environment. This exhibition provides a unique platform for sharing knowledge and establishing new business relationships, which is invaluable for the development of our business. I am sure that visiting AMM will bring us many new opportunities and help strengthen our presence in the market.

Feedback from visitors and delegates AMM 2023:

Fidelis Suorineni, School of Mining and Geosciences, Nazarbayev University:

This year the platform has become even better! Very active participation both from the participants and from the delegates and visitors. I received a lot of useful information and I liked it all very much. I met a lot of old friends at the exhibition and the stands were really informative. I plan to attend one of the sessions next year, so I'll definitely see you next year too!

Arman Baikadamov, BI Group:

We visited the exhibition and Congress AMM 2023 for the first time, if we had known about such an event earlier, we would have prepared better. Thanks to the organizers, they are very effective with their properly organized logistics and events in the halls. There are certain zones where you can quietly discuss specific issues. They did a great job, it is great that the business contingent has gathered here, which allows us to move forward, integrate into foreign experience, and all economic collaboration is based on an excellent organization. I thank our government departments, embassies, which also contributed to the organization. I hope that economic collaboration will definitely have a big multiplier effect. Therefore, each participant will find certain positive moments for themselves. We are a construction company, and potential clients are located here. We know them, we were glad to meet each other again on such a platform. This once again proves the level of our competencies and reflects our fruits of cooperation. Meeting time after time at such large-scale events, we only confirm that we are on the same level with our potential clients, partners and actively participate in all this economic integration.

Tles Tyulyubaev, SRS Holding Ltd.:

I visited the AMM exhibition for the second year in a row. This exhibition is very useful for us, I have met new people and my old friends. Our company received interesting offers, we offered our services to those we met at this exhibition for two days, we learned a lot of new things. In general, these two days were like a holiday, I feel like home here.  It is very nice to work, meet and talk with people from the same industry who understand each other at a glance, everything is great! Next year we would like to see companies that are willing to attract direct investment, live cash.  If we talk about internal investments, the main problem is that many investors are ready to invest only after the site has been explored, when the balance sheet is approved, when the site is ready. However, those plots that have already been explored do not always need investment, because such a plot can be listed and put on the stock exchange, and without selling a share you can get money directly from the stock exchange. Our country is only 10-30% explored for minerals, and junior companies are in great need of investment for drilling, field work, and exploration. So I would like to see those who want to invest in mineral exploration. 

Magsud Yalymov, Sherubai Komir LLP:

The annual AMM exhibition is a very important event, as industrialists, geologists, scientists meet here. They exchange their achievements and experience, and then implement them, which has a positive effect on Kazakhstan's industry and, as a derivative, on the development of our country's economy. I often go to this Congress, I am a coal miner, and this is the fourth time the Coal Forum is being held. This is a very important industry for Kazakhstan because 70% of electricity and heat generation is from coal. We have many coal deposits, with more than 400 billion tons of proven reserves. This is enough for many years. As an alternative, we have renewable energy sources, but they are still in the process of being used. Underground coal is mined in the Karaganda coal basin. This coal is of high quality, it goes to the coking in the metallurgy, it is extracted underground at a depth of 700 meters. There are also open-pit mines. I always welcome platforms in this format, they certainly organize the progress of science and the mining industry as a whole. Foreign novelties, world experience are also presented here, professionals exchange opinions, technologies, and all this is very useful.

Kirill Gutorov, Machinery Logistics Group:

We are taking part in this exhibition for the second time. Last year it was smaller, this year there are more stands, more companies exhibiting. This means that there are even more opportunities for networking, more connections, acquaintances, and this is wonderful. Current partners, those with whom we want to sign contracts, those with whom we meet from event to event, from different cities and at different exhibitions – they all participated, which is great. The organization this year is much better, the scale is larger. It is a great useful platform!

Feedback from AMM 2022 delegates

Levon Kirakosyan, LLC Intelligent Solutions:

This is the first time I decided to participate in the AMM Congress as a delegate. I find this platform extremely interesting. The industry professionals gain a lot of knowledge, and new business contacts. Our company originated in Russia, but we came to discover Kazakhstan. The tasks for these days are to understand what is going on, who is engaged in what kind of activity, what are the new technologies, and what are the current issues. I think it's worth visiting AMM as a delegate to gain new experiences and knowledge.

Jacob Gatsembiler, Engineering Dobersek GmbH:

We decided to participate in this year's AMM Congress as delegates, because after the pandemic, the Congress program was extremely interesting and there were participants, producers from all over Kazakhstan. We have been working in Kazakhstan for a long time, since 1993. We believe that personal exchanges and face-to-face meetings are extremely important for business promotion. We are focused on the field of ecology, on emissions that affect the quality of human life. In this congress, we would like to present our solutions, our approaches to solving problems with respect to tailing storage facilities. We have unique developments, implemented projects that have advantages for the company.  I think that the Congress was extremely professionally organized. The program included high quality presentations, as well as relevant topics on our focus area - ecology were discussed.

Dinmukhammed Kudaibergenov, Atameken NCE:

This is the first time I have attended an AMM Congress as a delegate. I had heard a lot about it before, but since I was in a different industry, I never participated. In the course of my service this year, I had the chance to participate in Congress from the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, where I head the unit dealing with basic industries, including metallurgy and mining. Today we participated in a plenary session. Even considering the speakers, we could see a decent level of excellence. There were questions of both industrial development and ecological balance. Also today's sessions raised issues about energy and coal. There is one hot topic that I see pervading the panel sessions, large and small seminars, and that is decarbonization and the transition to a green economy. It is important to understand what the situation is, what the risks and opportunities are for the industry. And this topic of the Congress meets all the requirements of today. What will be the competitiveness of our metallurgy, our mining, and ore industry in 5-10 years, whether we will find ourselves in the world trends of development of the industry. It is extremely important that already at this forum we understand for ourselves where we are, where we aspire to, and whether there is understanding on the part of society. This Congress is attended by representatives of science, government agencies, business, and the public. I am very glad that there were dialogues and it is necessary to develop networking further at the expense of those new contacts that have arisen today on a forum, both for me, and for other participants.  I highlighted for myself the hundreds, thousands of thoughts that were said. As a result of attending several sessions, I understood that we need to work on some areas, including working on an agenda for transition to green energy, green metallurgy, and decarbonization. Also heard about the aspirations of business, where there is a good initiative, but it is not legislated, there is a misunderstanding on the part of both the state and other interested communities, where this work is carried out. I think the role of the Congress here is important in serving as a platform, a bridge between the different sides, so that in the end, there would be a progressive movement toward each other. 

Evgeny Chizhik, Mehanobr-Polymet LLC:

I take part in this Congress every year. Your events are very organized, the AMM Congress always raises really interesting, significant topics, so I come from Ukraine with great pleasure. I want to thank your conscientious team. The program of the Congress was really good. If I outline the relevant and attractive topics, I was mainly interested in the mining industry. Here I held the negotiations and meetings I was interested in. And Kazakhstan in general is a unique country, it has unique people and unique nature. So I'm very grateful to your partners and to all of Kazakhstan.

Nevan Pillay

- Why did you decide to take part as an AMM 2022 delegate this year? -Meet some of the key stakeholders here

- What goals would you like to reach by participating in AMM as a delegate? -Our main aim is to secure new clients. We have already worked with a few of the big groups: ERG. We are tendering for work for ArcelorMittal and Kazzinc as well, and Kazakhmys.

-So basically, to meet the companies and talk about potential projects and leverage. - This year's theme is - Social significance of Mining & Metallurgy Complex: Towards the new Kazakhstan. What experience or advice can your company share in this area? -I think, there is a number of opportunities for new commodities that to be explored in Kazakhstan. Primarily, it is know for chrome, copper mining as well. There is also potential for reacts. A lot more copper obviously as well, and we also been approached for number of gold projects. Expanding into those commodities would be quiet good for the government and good for country.

- AMM in 1 word? / why participate in AMM as a delegate? -We wanted to present better what we do, also share some of our experience.